What should you expect from a PREDICTION

Many of you expect that going to an astrologer can:

  • get you job
  • make you wealthy
  • bring your love back
  • get you married

What you actually forget is that astrologers are not magicians - they are ordinary people like you and me (well don't let the high fees some of them charge let you believe so). They are simply decoders of the language which you are unable to understand.

Look, when you can't find a way to your destination or you are confused whether to take a right or a left or you are at the gate waiting in doubt whether you have arrived at the right place or not -- is the right time to call for help.

Astrologer can guide you through the way and make you acquainted with the sign boards and phew! you are lost no more.

Thus in reality what you should actually expect from a prediction is a Direction. Rest is up to you to follow the guidelines or discard them. Direction is all you should expect, accept and respect.


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