Gun Milan - Horoscope Matching - 36 Guna - Why 36 gun matching is not enough?

With more broken families, family disputes, discord, and disharmony among the family members especially between the spouses, leading to divorce or extra marital affairs -- the most fundamental and smallest unit of society, FAMILY is facing greater trouble today than ever before. 

The growing rate of divorce only make us wonder how our forefathers had such stable marriages and how well committed they were to each other. Well, the reason is not only the growing demands and insatiable nature of people today but also the declining importance of "correct" horoscope matching. 

By "correct" horoscope matching I do not mean the 36 kuta points that even a 10 years old child can calculate but the multiple fold examination of the charts separately and studying closely the relationship capacity each chart offers. 

In this essay I will clearly show you how one can calculate the 36 points and how significant it is in deciding or breaking a prospective marriage alliance. So that you can decide for yourself if it is at all worth calculating!

So let us begin--
The test of Kuta agreement takes into account 10 factors namely--
1. Tara/Dina, 2. Gana, 3. Mahendra, 4. Stree Deergha, 5. Yoni, 6. Rasi, 7. Rasyadhipati, 8. Vashya, 9. Rajju and 10. Vedha.
But in the modern computer world there are only 8 factors (36points) namely-- 

  • 1. Varna, 
  • 2. Vashya,
  • 3. Tara, 
  • 4. Yoni, 
  • 5. Grahamaitri, 
  • 6. Gana, 
  • 7. Bhakoota and 
  • 8. Nadi.
Each of these factors is given 1 point more than the previous one. Like, Varna gets 1 point, Vasya is 2, Tara is 3, Yoni is 4, Grahamaitri is 5, Gana is 6, Bhakoot is 7 and Nadi is 8, totaling up to 36 points. If the total of the Kutas works out to 18 or more it is said to pass the kuta test. It is in fact believed that the greater the score, the better the compatibility.

Let me unfold for you as to how we (most astrologers and computer kundali software’s) actually calculate the Kuta points. And how the Kundali softwares miss highlighting the exceptions and reduces the points making you believe that it is not a good score hence not good match.

1) VARNA - (1 point)
The 12 rasis are classed under the 4 Varnas or Castes as follows:
Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer(Water Signs)-- Brahmin
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius(Fire Signs)-- Kshatriya
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn(Earth Signs)--Vaisya
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius(Air Signs)-- Shudra
A girl belonging to a higher Varna than that of the boy is not approved. Both belonging to the same Varna or the girl belonging to one lower than that of the boy is approved.
But the computer does not take cognizance of the fact that this deficiency is made up if the ruler of the sign occupied by the Moon of the girl belongs to a Varna lower than that of the ruler of the sign occupied by the boy's Moon.
The Varnas of the planets are as follows:
Sun -- Kshatriya
Moon -- Vaisya
Mars -- Kshatriya
Mercury -- Shudra
Jupiter -- Brahmin
Venus -- Brahmin
Saturn -- Shudra
For example: the Varna factor fails if the boy belongs to Sagittarius and the girl to Pisces as the girl would be of higher Varna than the boy. But on checking the rulers of these two signs, we find, it is Jupiter for both -- bringing both under Brahmin varna which is allowed.

2) VASHYA - (2 points)
This factor shows the mutual attraction between the prospective couple. This factor is over emphasized by Western astrologers and they popularly call it as the "magnetic attraction". But the highes you can score in this Kuta agreement is 2 points. This Kuta takes into account the Janma Rasis (Moon signs) of the boy and the girl belonging to the same group as shown below ensures harmony:
Leo and Scorpio -- Aries
Cancer and Libra -- Taurus
Virgo -- Gemini
Scorpio and Sagittarius -- Cancer
Libra -- Leo
Gemini and Pisces -- Virgo
Capricorn -- Libra
Virgo and Cancer -- Scorpio
Pisces -- Sagittarius
Aquarius and Aries -- Capricorn
Aries -- Aquarius
Capricorn -- Pisces
For example: If the boy's Janma Rasi is Leo and the girl's is Aries, then Vashya Kuta may be said to be present. The score of Vashya kuta is 2 points. But if both boy and girl belong to the same sign, Vashya kuta does not obtain. But as you will learn about the Bhakoot Kuta, you will realise how overlapping and confusing Kuta agreements actually are. And why giving so much emphasis on the Kuta or 36 gun compatibility is overestimated. Please remember this example.

3) TARA/DINA - (3 points)
Count the Nakshatras from that of the bride to that of the groom and divide it by 9. If the remainder is 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0 then it is considered good.
For example: If the girl's nakshatra is Rohini and boy's nakshatra is Anuradha, counting from the girl’s to the boy's we get 14: 14/9=1(quotient) + 5(remainder). Since the remainder is 5, it is not good. Hence the score for Tara/ Dina is 0.

4) YONI - (4 points)
This factor takes into account the physical appetite of each Nakshatra and classifies all the 27 Nakshatras into Yonis belonging to different animals.

Nakshatras belonging to the same group are desirable. Nakshatras belonging to different groups but not ruled by animals hostile to each other are passable, while Nakshatras belonging to hostile groups are to be avoided.
For example: Rohini and Mrigasira both belong to to the snake group and are desirable. But rohini and Magha belong respectively to snake and rat come under hostile categories and are not good. Rohini and Jyeshta belong resectively to the snake and deer categories and are passable as a pair. The highest score allotted for Yoni is 4 points.

5) GRAHMAITRI - (5 points)
The Janma Rasi (or the sign in which Moon is placed) is ruled by a planet. If there is friendship between the rulers of the Janma Rasis of the boy and the girl, harmony is said to prevail. If the boy's rasi is Taurus and the girl's rasi is Aquarius, then grahmaitri is said to obtain as the rulers of these signs Venus and Saturn respectively are friends.
The highest score allotted to Grahmaitri Kuta is 5 points. If one planet is friendly and the other neutral, then it is 4 points. If both are neutrals, then 3 points. If one is friend and other the enemy then its 2 points. If one is neutral and the other enemy or both inimical then zero points. For example: If the boy's rasi is Virgo and the girl's is Sagittarius, the girl's Moon sign lord is Jupiter is neutral to Mercury, the boy's Moon sign lord, Mercury on the other hand is inimical to Jupiter. So the score would be 0.

6) GANA - (6 points)
All Nakshatras are divided into three groups based on their nature or disposition as being divine(Deva), human(Manushya) and demonic(Rakshasa) as follows:

Those born under Deva constellations are peace loving, contended, quiet and forbearing. Those born under Manushya are normally friendly, fair but force of circumstances may provoke them to take an angry stance. Those born under Rakshasa nakshatras are cruel, quarrelsome, dominating, nagging, have a tendency to inflict pain-- physical mental emotional and are also demanding and greedy. Those belonging to the same category get along well. A deva nakshatra and Manushya are also passable. But a Deva or Manushaya paired with Rakshasa star leads to misery. The highest score for Gana kuta is 6 points.
For example: Boy- Jyeshta---Rakshasa; Girl - Anuradha-- Deva= Score 0 points. (Remember the Yoni Kuta, both Jyeshta and Anuradha nakshatras fall into the Deer yoni and if the boy and the girl belong to the same yoni, they would score full 4 points--- your modern day computer doesn't take cognizance of these minute details.)
Boy - Aridra-- Manushya; Girl - Satabhisha-- Rakshasa = Score 2 points. 
Boy - Punarvasu -- Deva; Girl -- Hasta-- Deva= Score 6 points.

7) BHAKOOT - (7 points)
This is dependent on the Janma Rasi or the Moon sign.  The assessment is made depending upon the mutual disposition of the Janma Rasis of the boy and girl.
(a) If the janma rasi of the boy is in the 2nd from the girl's, it gives fatal results. The girl's should not be the 12th from the boy's. If the girl's is in the 2nd from the boy's, it prolongs life. 

Shahrukh Khan's janma Rasi(Capricorn) is 2nd from his Wife's Janma Rasi(Sagittarius) but their marriage is running strong---- Wonder how? Well, according to some(and what your computer software does not acknowledge), if the Janma Rasi of the boy is second from the girl's and if the boy's Janma Rasi is an even sign (capricorn is number 10th sign), it bodes good and is an EXCEPTION to the general rule.

Hence if the boy's Janma Rasi is an even sign, such as Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn or Pisces, then it does not matter even if it falls in the second from the girl's, according to this school.
(b) If the Janma Rasi of the boy is in the 3rd from the girl's Janma Rasi, it brings misery. If the Janma Rasi of the girl is in the 3rd from the boy's, it gives happiness. Example: If the girl's Janma Rasi is Gemini and the boy's Leo---misery. If the boy's Janma Rasi is Leo and the girl's libra---happiness.

(c) If the boy's Janma Rasi be 4th from the girl's, then it shows poverty. If the girl's is in the 4th from the boy's Janma Rasi, it gives prosperity. Example: If the boy's Janma Rasi is Aries and the girl's Janma Rasi is Capricorn---poverty (but full points in Vashya Kuta since Aries is magnetically attracted to Capricorn).

(d) If the boy's Janma Rasi is 5th from the girl's it shows widowhood. If the girl's is the 5th from the boy's Janma Rasi, it shows a long married life. Example: If the boy's Janma Rasi is Leo and the girl's is Aries-- it shows widowhood(remember where you read this example---the Vashya Kuta point). But If boy's Janma Rasi is Sagittarius and girl's is Aries--it shows long married life.

(e) If the boy's Janma Rasi is 6th from the girl's -- loss of progeny. If the girl's is the 6th from the boy's, birth of children is favoured. Example: If the girl's Janma Rasi is Virgo and boy's is aquarious, it shows loss of progeny. If the boy's Janma Rasi is Aquarius and the girl's Cancer-- it shows birth of children. Please Note that (and what your kundali software does not account) where the Janma of the boy is the 6th from that of the girl, then the following exceptions are free of the adverse result of i.e. loss of child:
Aries -- Virgo
Sagittarius -- Taurus
Libra -- Pisces
Aquarius -- Cancer
Leo -- Capricorn
Gemini -- Scorpio

(f) If the Janma Rasis of the boy and the girl are in diametrically opposite signs then it implies a long and happy married life. Example, If the Janma Rasi of the boy and girl are Aries and Libra respectively, it implies long married life.

8) NADI - (8 points)
All the constellations/nakshatras are divided into 3 groups coming under the 3 humors of Vata(windy), Pitta(bilious) and Kapha(phlegmatic). Nakshatras coming under the same category are not considered good. The classification is as follows:

The highest score alloted to Nadi kuta is 8. If the boy's and girl's nakshatras belong to different Nadis, the score is 8 and if they belong to the same Nadis the score is 0. Nadi Kuta has special reference to the health of the couple as well as that of the children born to them. If other afflictions are present in the two charts and the Nadis of the girl and boy are in the same group, it has been found that the progeny born to such couples may not be healthy. But is Nadi that dreadful factor? The answer is No. If other placements are good in the charts scoring a zero in Nadi Kuta does not hamper the marriage or children. The internet is flooded with Nadi remedies, and it is made as frightening as the so called Kaal Sarpa Dosha but it is of no relevance and one should not get affected by it.

Well these are just few points of study to begin with. Kuta agreements do not reveal the true characteristics of the persons going to be involved into the marriage alliance. In fact the Kuta points are overlapping and as I showed you, one may score in one Kuta agreement with the same position and lose in other. Thus one can only gauge (hardly) 10% of the charts' so called compatibility. There are far more exceptions than what I have mentioned here. And you learn absolutely nothing at least nothing surely about issues of longevity, mental and psychological health, sexual compatibility, children and progeny, probability of more than one marriage or extra marital affairs and even problems like dowry which are far more important and decisive points of judging while accepting or rejecting a marriage proposal. And as I said before "correct" horoscope matching requires time and precision to study the charts individually as well as jointly-- it is absolutely no kundali software's job!

The Art of matching charts by GD Vasudev

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  1. Great information. I will certainly check your other post. What is your view on counting pap Grah scores?

  2. This is insightful. Do you provide any consultation services?

  3. Good information.
    For kundali Milan you can meet Famous Astrologer in Delhi NCR and get the best kundali match.


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