
Showing posts from 2018

Lesser Known Saints Of Kaliyug

Baba Kinaram Baba Kinaram is the founding father of the Aghorpant and supposed to be the incarnation of Lord Shiva. He was born on Aghor Chaturdashi in 1601 at Ramgarh, Varanasi Uttar Pradesh to Sri Akbar Singh and Mansa Devi. After his birth, he did not cry or suckled at his mother's breast for three days. After three days three saints (who were manifestation of Lord Dattatreya-- Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh) spoke something into the ear of the child. There after the child started crying (for the first time) and celebrations took place.  Baba Kinaram started his spiritual journey with the blessings of Aghor's Kuldevi Mata Hinglaaj. He was initiated or spiritually awakened by Baba Kaluram. Baba Kinaram established himself in the city of Varanasi for the service of people. It is believed by the devotees of Baba Kinaram that what is denied by Lord Ram is given by Baba Kinaram (Jo naa De Ram wo De Kinaram).  He wrote books like Ramgita, Ramrasal, Unmuniram and Viveks...

Gun Milan - Horoscope Matching - 36 Guna - Why 36 gun matching is not enough?

With more broken families, family disputes, discord, and disharmony among the family members especially between the spouses, leading to divorce or extra marital affairs -- the most fundamental and smallest unit of society, FAMILY is facing greater trouble today than ever before.  The growing rate of divorce only make us wonder how our forefathers had such stable marriages and how well committed they were to each other. Well, the reason is not only the growing demands and insatiable nature of people today but also the declining importance of "correct" horoscope matching.  By "correct" horoscope matching I do not mean the 36 kuta points that even a 10 years old child can calculate but the multiple fold examination of the charts separately and studying closely the relationship capacity each chart offers.  In this essay I will clearly show you how one can calculate the 36 points and how significant it is in deciding or breaking a prospective marriage alli...