
Showing posts from 2019

The North Node - RAHU

Rahu is one of those kinds of people whose credibility cannot be ascertained even if you live over a decade with them. They always seem strange, like a mystery.  In astrology Saturn is the most dreaded planet but I will not be wrong when I say that Rahu is the one, you should be more careful of. From the colour to its shape everything related to this planet is uncertain. It is actually like a smoke-ball and in its dasha-antardasha one feels like is living under a shadow of confusion and illusion. Every prospective business or venture you indulge into might bring you lots of money but they all go away in one way or the other. Relationships and people you obsessively care about lose their charm and character as the time passes.  All the things you are scared of and your deep rooted subconscious fears knock your door one after the other.  Psychosis, mental ailments, fraud, physical harm or accident you can experience any of these during its period.  A common ...

Buying HOPE!

I dedicate this piece of article to those people who have paid heavy sum of money for getting predictions and doing remedies all (mind you) ALL in the hope of changing their lives. There are many astrologers, naadi palm leaf readers, palmist and spiritual healers who suggest some magic pooja that they would perform on your behalf and all your pending work (due to some past life karma) will start happening as soon as the pooja gets over. Infact they claim to the extent that you will experience a new life altogether. And you happen to believe all this because you are sad. Well let me ask you a question - have you ever heard of a doctor who would say that he would take the medicine on your behalf and you will be healed? No right! So what made you believe that paying money to someone else for pooja could change your life instantly? That my friend, I am sorry to say never happens! You have just lost that hard earned money.  Remedy means a cure/treatment of disease. Whatever...

What should you expect from a PREDICTION

Many of you expect that going to an astrologer can: get you job make you wealthy bring your love back get you married What you actually forget is that astrologers are not magicians - they are ordinary people like you and me (well don't let the high fees some of them charge let you believe so). They are simply decoders of the language which you are unable to understand. Look, when you can't find a way to your destination or you are confused whether to take a right or a left or you are at the gate waiting in doubt whether you have arrived at the right place or not -- is the right time to call for help. Astrologer can guide you through the way and make you acquainted with the sign boards and phew! you are lost no more. Thus in reality what you should actually expect from a prediction is a Direction. Rest is up to you to follow the guidelines or discard them. Di rection  is all you should expect, accept and respect . .